The Rare Books and Special Collections section runs two e-mail list-servs to communicate information to its constituencies and interested individuals across the globe. These lists are the primary method of disseminating information on the section’s activities, news, relevant blog posts, and section business.


List-serv for Section Members


Administrator: Krister Östlund, Secretary

How to join: should be automatically added when deciding to become a member of the section, or email administrator

Description: This list-serv is the main forum of communication for all individual and institutional members of the Rare Books and Special Collections Section of IFLA as well as where the work of the Standing Committee is communicated. Members will have access and the right to comment on any working documents circulated on this list, on the Section’s activities, etc.


List-serv for interested parties


Administrator: Kungliga Biblioteket (Sweden)

How to join: email Secretary

Description: This list-serv is designed for any individual or institution interested in the activities of the Rare Books and Special Collections Section. Information on the sections activities at WLIC and sponsored annual events is circulated on this list, as well as other news and information such as blog posts, new standards, etc.