The challenges facing the library field from ever-increasing globalisation can only be met and overcome by an inclusive, global response from a united library field. IFLA’s Global Vision discussion brings together thousands of representatives of the library field worldwide to explore how a connected library field can meet the challenges of the future. That includes IFLA Members gathered in its 44 IFLA Sections and 16 Special Interest Groups (SIGs), as well as our Strategic Programmes and Review Groups.

Below you will find outcomes of the Global Vision discussions organized by IFLA Sections, SIGs, Stragegic Programmes and Review Groups. The reports have been prepared in line with the Global Vision report template and include photos, comments and top-five answers to questions addressing the idea of a united library field tackling the challenges of the future. The discussions were carried out during both face-to-face and online meetings. Some of the units scheduled their discussions for IFLA Congress at the end of August or slightly later, so more reports are expected to come. As of mid-August, IFLA units involved more than 450 people in their discussions. They shared their thoughts and experience, providing invaluable input to the global conversation about the united library field.